Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Issues relating to University Hospital Limerick: Discussion

1:30 pm

Photo of Cathal CroweCathal Crowe (Clare, Fianna Fail)

I thank the Minister. It is no secret that an election is close. My worry is that when we get into that cycle and the formation of government that comes after it, the body politic will potentially get stretched out for four or five months, which would do no good to this process. I would love if the Minister and his officials could expedite the ask of the Johnston family to initiate a statutory inquiry. There is some value to the work undertaken by Mr. Justice Clarke, but it does not get into the responsibility. There needs to be significant follow-ups to this, but I do not see that yet in the Clarke report.

I join others in saying that a feature of the report by Mr. Justice Clarke was that on the night Aoife Johnston died it was not clear who was in charge of UHL. That is a quote from his report. It is pretty woeful that the management - the person in charge - namely, Ian Carter, is not here either. I accept that he has recently taken up the post, but I have been saying for two years that the management team in UHL moved out of the hospital campus, 2 km up the road to a business park, which was ludicrous. He is not here either today. He should be here, even if he took up the post this morning. That is irrelevant. He is now the custodian at the helm of the hospital. In my former life as a teacher it would be unheard of to have the principal of the school somewhere down the road in an office block, remote from the school. We have heard why Mr. Carter is not here but I do not accept it. The excuse he has given is not valid. When will the management team in UHL move back to the hospital campus?


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