Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Women and Constitutional Change: Discussion (Resumed)

9:30 am

Ms Andrée Murphy:

Ms O'Connor's point around cross-jurisdictional need is really well made. If we think about the enormous work by the Houses here around the legacy Act and victims and survivors, there is an abject lack of services for the needs of victims and survivors on this side of the Border. They may find a place to be able to bring some violations they have experienced in their lives but when it comes to talking about conflict-related harms or dedicated complex trauma services, that does not exist on this side of the Border in the same way. There is not that joined-up thinking. For me, the big lesson of all of this is how we join up all of the policies, whether it is policing, the criminal justice system or supporting the trauma needs of the populations. People lives their lives across this island in and out in different parts, and different members of the same family may live in different parts of the island as well. One person may be getting very effective and useful support here but really not getting it on the other side of the Border. Giving some thought to that will be really essential going forward.


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