Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2023: Land Development Agency

9:30 am

Photo of Brian StanleyBrian Stanley (Laois-Offaly, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I do not want to trivialise €10,000 but in the greater scheme of things, that is minuscule. We will accept that. Let us consider these properties and include the subsidy that the State invests. I buy the house and borrow €30,000 from the State. I take out a mortgage of €364,000. I now have borrowings of €407,000. The overall value of the house is €478,000. We have established those facts. Despite the facts that the land was attained for a nominal value and it is a turnkey development, the cost to the buyer still works out as €407,000. Is that the nub of it? That is regardless of what pay scale a buyer in on.


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