Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Engagement with the Central Bank of Ireland

1:30 pm

Photo of Alice-Mary HigginsAlice-Mary Higgins (Independent)

At any point in the past few years there is a question as to whether the prospectus assessing risks and offering issues of bonds from Israel, in asking that its bonds be carried, included assessments of the risks in terms of geopolitical risk, which Mr. Makhlouf mentioned we should all be thinking about. It seems to be a clear area. Leave aside the risks in terms of international law, compliance with international law, the issue of the occupied territories and the fact they were already recognised as illegal. The recent International Court of Justice ruling did not make the occupied territories illegal; it confirmed the fact they were already illegally occupied, for example. There are numerous areas of international and human rights law where Israel was already in breach at the time of the last issuing of bonds. Was that information in the prospectus that the Central Bank considered?


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