Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Detailed Scrutiny of the Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2023: Discussion

1:00 pm

Photo of Malcolm ByrneMalcolm Byrne (Fianna Fail)

Go raith maith agaibh. This has been a very useful discussion. I quite like Mr. O'Connor's line about archiving being slow and my question is the extent to which we may be able to use AI to archive some of this material. I asked the question earlier around intellectual property rights and how this can be accessed. I am very drawn by the idea of the creation of a sovereign large language model that individuals can use to draw on materials. I am conscious there is material out there that is being used by people already anyway and it is being fed into large language models. We can talk all we want about protecting copyright and so on but this is happening. One issue is critical. This comes back to Dr. O'Dell's point about ensuring we can maintain truthful sources and evidence and applies as much to music as to the written or spoken word. This is probably a slightly bigger question. In the AI and digital age, how can we ensure that those archives continue to be available but also how do we protect their integrity? I apologise; that may be too big question for four minutes.

I am happy to let Mr. O'Connor respond.


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