Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Rail Timetables: Iarnród Éireann

1:30 pm

Photo of Alan FarrellAlan Farrell (Dublin Fingal, Fine Gael)

Mr. Meade talked about "four north" which is a good name and easy to remember. Mr. Meade mentioned this is something he expects to be in a position to publish or finalise in the new year. First, regardless of where Deputy Matthews and I happen to be at the time, it would be very much appreciated if we could have an engagement with Irish Rail on that. That would be the start of a very big series of projects for Irish Rail. Reopening of some lines and the expansion of others is absolutely critical as far as I am concerned. I wanted to put my oar in now to have the witnesses in on that at some point in the new year or with the new committee, whichever comes sooner. Also, to reiterate our prior conversation regarding those new carriages and train sets, I am sure some members of the committee would be absolutely delighted if there was an opportunity for us to visit those when they arrive.

My other quick question relates to the strategic rail review. I want to stress this is an "and" not an "or". What is Mr. Meade's opinion on the rail spur to Dublin Airport and how does he believe that such a spur would integrate into the existing northern commuter line? Presumably, it is relatively far out enough that we would already be four-tracked at that stage and therefore would be able to handle the additional capacity.


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