Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Detailed Scrutiny of the Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2023: Discussion

1:00 pm

Photo of Michael RingMichael Ring (Mayo, Fine Gael)

That is fair enough.

The final question I was going to ask has been half answered. It relates to availability and what is available already. Somebody wrote to me recently saying there were no RTÉ archives but one of my girls in the office was able to reply that there were. Maybe RTÉ should be promoting the archives more, indicating how people can gain access to them. I realise the delegates have many things to do, but it might be helpful if they did that.

Reference was made to some of the archive-based programmes produced by RTÉ. They are fantastic. I listen more to radio than I watch television. I actually enjoy some of the programmes on a Saturday afternoon. On Sunday evening, I listen to the history programme and even to the plays afterwards, which are nearly gone. When I listen to them, I enjoy them. We are of a generation, but younger people are so used to being able to source and get the information they want. There are clientele who find it more difficult, however. We forget sometimes that everybody is not computer literate and that they need support. That is why many colleges and schools are offering courses to people, particularly those of middle age and a little older. Without the skills, people may be lonely. They need the skills.

I would like it if RTÉ promoted the archives a little more and explained to people where they are and how they may be accessed.


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