Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2023: Uisce Éireann

9:30 am

Photo of Brian StanleyBrian Stanley (Laois-Offaly, Sinn Fein)

Some of the costs are coming in extremely high at short distances. Maybe Uisce Éireann has a framework agreement with contractors. There were discussions in this complex yesterday around contractors and the pricing of jobs. It is widely acknowledged that it is a great time to be a contractor, particularly where they are contracting to public bodies. In this case, the cost comes back to a private individual and they are substantial. That needs to be looked at.

On connections and accounting for them after the event, the reason that was set out to us was that it was because of contractors going ahead and doing the connections and then registering them the following year. Is Mr. Laffey saying they are making connections, even to the sewer, without Uisce Éireann knowing about it.


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