Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters
Increasing Employment Participation for Persons with Disabilities: Disabled Persons' Organisations Network
5:30 pm
Erin McGreehan (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
I thank the witnesses for coming before the committee. I apologise for being in and out because there have been votes in the Seanad. I read the statements. This is an area in which I am very much interested. Mr. Sherwin spoke earlier about there being an attitude in many Departments that supports for people with disabilities to enter the workforce, whether that be through self-employment or a business, is seen as a benefit. To my mind we should change this to a labour activation measure. We should see the economic individual and the benefit that person can provide to a business and its profitability. The bottom line is the added value the person can bring. There has been a blockage in many of the Departments, such as the Department of social welfare. The reasonable accommodation grants are not up to scratch. They should be individualised. If people get reasonable accommodations they should not be beholden to an employer but should be free to move on with their accommodations. The accommodations are for the person and that is what they need.
The Department of enterprise has been completely ignoring people with disabilities. The Department of Social Protection looks after labour activation measures. I do not know how many letters I have sent to Ministers and there is a former Minister present. There is a fobbing off. They do not take seriously their responsibilities under the UNCRPD. They will only be taken seriously through exactly what has been said, with regard to having meaningful advocacy and a meaningful and equal seat at the table and not have a token person whom we bring in for the day. They should be seen as serious added value to a progressive policy.
Due to personal experience of family and people who have come to my office I have done work on reasonable accommodations and supports in the workplace.
From the witnesses' point of view, what should we be asking for? I am not in that situation. What should we be asking for? How do we improve? How do we increase the number of deaf people in the workforce? How do we make that better? How can we give people more confidence? We want people to feel that they are valuable assets who are welcome in the workforce. We also want employers to have confidence. We are failing and I am at a loss.
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