Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Aligning Disability Funding with the UNCRPD: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

5:30 pm

Ms Jenny Andersson:

Yes. The Minister of State has always been a big fan of alternative respite. In the Department, we take a very broad view of that term, which is nice to be able to do. There is an awful lot that fits under it. When we have given funding over the past couple of years, it has been very much emphasised that this is the area at which we are looking. We could give the Cathaoirleach examples of alternative respite projects that cost nothing and others that cost millions. There is an awful lot within that.

Looking at our spending for 2024 around respite, approximately two thirds of the proposals we are looking at are in the area of alternative respite. I would agree with the Cathaoirleach and Minister of State that this is a really important area because it is also an opportunity to provide life experiences; the regular life in regular places we talk about by providing things like after school clubs and clubs during the weekend and things like that, which all children enjoy.

At the moment, we are planning a respite stakeholder event. We are looking at and working on some kind of respite policy that will reflect this going forward. Alternative respite is going to be a big feature going forward. We still understand, of course, that a lot of parents and carers need overnight respite. It is not taking away from that in any way, shape or form; it is about broadening the provision rather than changing it.


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