Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Aligning Disability Funding with the UNCRPD: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

5:30 pm

Photo of Anne RabbitteAnne Rabbitte (Galway East, Fianna Fail)

It is being done two ways. There is HSE national recruitment and a targeting campaign that goes on all of the time on LinkedIn, targeting the Australian market and people who have gone to Canada, for example. Regarding CHO 1, my compliments to Edel Quinn, who did a bespoke targeting campaign last Christmas targeted at people coming home for Christmas. She basically targeted in Donegal on the local news and newspapers. She ran a Christmas campaign to see whether she could capture people who were coming home from the UK who had perhaps trained abroad. They could have trained in Northern Ireland or Scotland, for example. There might be a little tweak CORU would require. She was also able to provide that additional training piece and module that might be missing as well to attract and retain. There is good learning to be seen, and it is done in a bespoke way. In CHO 1, Ms Quinn is running sponsorship programmes. She is taking a number of different measures to attract staff. It is hard to attract staff into Donegal more than certain areas. She is taking leadership and showing how she can fill posts, and this is how she is doing it. She is having success.

It is also important to note what is happening in some of our disability CDNT leads. I am talking in particular about Stewarts Care on the east coast, of which Mr. Brendan O’Connor is the head. He worked with the CHO head of disability there on how they could target to recruit for and fill positions. When I talked to him recently, they had set a target of 97 and they were at 45 of a targeted campaign. That was in the charity voluntary sector and it was in CHO 7.


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