Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Aviation Trends, Air Traffic Control and Drone Activity: Discussion

1:30 pm

Photo of Gerry HorkanGerry Horkan (Fianna Fail)

I will let Deputy Farrell in in a minute. We might park the drones issue, which we will also talk about, for now. Who is the leader who can make the change? Is it Eurocontrol? Is it the Commission? Eurocontrol represents 41 states and 37 air navigation service providers, ANSPs, many of which are not in the EU and may not be beholden to the EU as such but equally have signed up to Eurocontrol. What organisation can say it will change it to give more capacity, force people to stick to flight plans, make sure airports let people in and out at the right time and so on? Who can crack the whip?


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