Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Waterways Ireland: Discussion.

3:00 pm

Photo of Seán CanneySeán Canney (Galway East, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I welcome Mr. Rowe and Mr. Harkin. I am not a member of the committee but I have an interest, some might say a vested interest, in waterways especially in my constituency. Listening to the conversation about by-laws and about infrastructure, it is most appropriate that I was at a meeting last night chaired by Charlie Killeen, who Mr. Rowe will know well, at Eyrecourt. It was discussing the Meelick Weir and infrastructure that is required there. Waterways Ireland has put in place one of the finest gems in our constituency in terms of waterway amenities in the weir that goes across. It is absolutely brilliant. It is a victim of its own success in that there are many people who use it and talk about it and then come back again and again to see what it going on. It is a unique project. I compliment Waterways Ireland on that first. I understand that the main priority was to get the connection between Offaly and Galway going again, if not in sporting terms but in waterways. The meeting last night was to discuss where we are now and what we are doing. I understand public toilets are being constructed at Victoria Lock and they will be open in the coming weeks. It is important signage is put in on the Galway or Eyrecourt side so that people know where the toilets are because at the moment they are knocking on the door of a neighbour to use a toilet. There was a good number there and they were all very positively disposed to what Waterways Ireland is doing but they would like to see more of the infrastructure and back-up infrastructure such as showers and signage. Another thing, which was mentioned earlier, is waste which accumulates around the place as well as campsites. There is some barbecuing there and fires, etc. There is a bit of a plan to put in place to make sure that everything is working properly. The other thing that came up was accessibility for people with disabilities and wheelchairs and to look at the gates going onto the weir onto the walkway. While everything is very positive, people were asking for a lot of things.

Needless to say, the Martello tower came into the equation and what is happening there. I understand some planning and drawings are being done and there is an environmental thing to be done. The committee was saying that it would like to have engagement at some stage with Waterways Ireland to see exactly what the plans are and to discuss everything that we discussed last night. The committee wants to help. Mr. Rowe might know the people involved in it. They are good people who want to see progress and want to make sure it is done for the right reasons. There is probably a call for Galway County Council to come in too to create a partnership because it owns some ground there that might be of use for parking or whatever. We could enhance what is there by putting in some services and also increase the numbers visiting the area and the economic dividend from that.

While I am talking about that, the works Waterways Ireland has done in Portumna are also a great credit to it, as well as to the people of Portumna who have looked for it for years. It has now been put in place and it is a credit to everybody. It is infrastructure that will remain in place for the benefit of the people, not just locally but those visiting. It is great to see that happening.

I look forward to seeing publication of the by-laws and to seeing where they are at along with the charges.

With regard to Waterways Ireland’s role, it cannot just be working off nothing or fresh air; it has to have some sort of income that is reasonable. A few times, I have come across the issue of electricity supply during the winter for somebody berthing with no place else to go. This is something we might consider in the interim. Last night’s meeting was a good one and it would be great to have a further gathering with the representatives to see what we might do.


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