Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Waterways Ireland: Discussion.

3:00 pm

Photo of Michael CreedMichael Creed (Cork North West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I am relatively new to the committee and certainly new to this issue. Like others, what is captured in some of the correspondence I received in recent days spiked my interest. I wish to make an observation from afar as someone coming from Cork like the previous speaker, Deputy Buckley. It is not a hot topic but it is for some. Looking at the two canals in particular, the Shannon waterway and the Barrow, which Mr. Rowe referenced, they do not seem to me to be hot spots of traffic. It begs the question whether we are maximising the potential of these resources both as a revenue driver but also as residential spaces for people who choose to dwell there? It begs the question what is the role of Waterways Ireland? Is it to encourage or to regulate and how does one strike the balance between the two, because one can come at the expense of the other? I just wonder, in that context, whether Mr. Rowe is satisfied Waterways Ireland has got the balance correct.

That begs the question in terms of stakeholders, there is some contention that Waterways Ireland has been captured in some respects by the commercial stakeholders at the expense of others, in particular the Irish Residential Boat Owners Association, the Grand Canal Dock Residents Association, etc. I ask Mr Rowe to comment on that because it goes to the heart of what the role is, and how collectively, as stakeholders, commercial operators and those who choose a residential option on the waterways, can all be signatories to a pathway forward. That brings up the question as to whether Waterways Ireland is sufficiently engaged with all stakeholders or has the organisation been the subject of corporate capture by some more than others. I am not making that particular allegation. I just want to be reassured or informed as to what the balance is in that regard.

I am struck by the comment about the number of unauthorised developments on our waterways. While I understand "statute barred", etc., the number of ongoing legal cases strikes me as rather low relative to the number of cases involved. Is there an active legal team involved in this, continuously? Is it in house or is it farmed out and at what cost? Why is the number relatively low? Is that informed by legal advice or by financial resources to pursue these individual cases?

My apologies, Chair, I have another meeting at 4 p.m. It is one of these issues of multiple committees going on at the same time, so I would like have some answers to those questions.


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