Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Committee on Public Petitions

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman: Annual Report and Other Matters

1:30 pm

Photo of Gerard CraughwellGerard Craughwell (Independent)

Sadly, too many of us who have pension queries are already in the departure lounge and we may not last long enough to get an answer to the question, which is always a problem. Regarding the mediation process, I am a former leader of a trade union so I am very familiar with mediation. Sometimes, it is much easier to do mediation without physical appearances. Sometimes the level of anxiety, aggression or resentment that is felt in bringing people together physically is not always a good way to get a solution. In all cases, does the ombudsman have people physically in the same room together or does it try to mediate through some other forum?


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