Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

General Scheme of the Health (Amendment) (Licensing of Professional Home Support Providers) Bill 2024: Discussion (Resumed)

9:30 am

Photo of Seán CroweSeán Crowe (Dublin South West, Sinn Fein)

I am way over time. The witnesses made the point in their submission about considering the health and social care supports for older people more broadly and to support design of services and the needs of the rights of older people. This point has been made. Last, the Bill again talks about education of the carers. I will repeat a question that was asked when the previous group was in. How important is communication between the carer and the person receiving the care? If a carer is going in and the person is deaf and the carer cannot communicate with him or her or if the person who is doing the caring does not have English or Irish as his or her first language, how important is that as part of this legislation? Do the witnesses believe it should be part of this legislation and that those needs, in addition to the educational needs, should be one of the priorities?


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