Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Welfare, Treatment and Traceability of Horses: Discussion

5:00 pm

Photo of Paul DalyPaul Daly (Fianna Fail)

It is a fantastic system. If I have a horse in training at the moment, my trainer's yard is inspected by the IHRB to ensure the facilities are top-class. When the horse goes to the track, they use CCTV and the facilities at the tracks have been improving on an ongoing basis, funded and grant aided by the Department. That horse is wrapped up in cotton wool until the day it figuratively goes over the edge of the cliff, for whatever reason. It could be at home in my back yard getting fed carrots three times a day, rugged, washed and so on but the HRI and HSI do not know where he has gone once he receives his last entry. Are they happy with that and, if not, how do they think they could change it?


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