Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

UCD Ukraine Trauma Project: Discussion

3:15 pm

Photo of Charles FlanaganCharles Flanagan (Laois-Offaly, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I acknowledge Professor Bury's expertise and role in this very important venture. I will ask a couple of questions myself. Professor Bury spoke about a robust framework, of which presumably there are many varieties, yet he does not wish to offer his own pet favourite. I am wondering how best we can progress that, having regard to the fact that the witnesses have requested that this committee play a proactive role in supporting their work. There are two main aspects to the work. The first is the provision of training, while the second is the provision of front-line service.

When Mr. Leahy speaks of the 16 self-contained hospital units, I presume that is a mobile emergency unit which could be on-site one day and would then move depending, unfortunately, on demand or the critical nature of events, perhaps on the front line.

I am wondering how best the State might lead in the provision of a robust framework, having regard to the fact that the State would have to have a leading role in it in many respects. Is it college to college? Is it hospital to hospital or is it regional health agency to regional health agency? How best do the component parts fit in order to ensure an optimal outcome? In this regard, I note that the witnesses did not mention any commentary on the current pressure on the hospital services, or indeed the pre-hospital services in Ukraine, on the front line. It goes without saying that they are under critical pressure. Perhaps our witnesses might outline the nature of such pressure and how Ireland might assist. In terms of the framework, it seems the witnesses are looking to the State to organise some kind of register of specialties, or register of expertise on the part of volunteers. The HSE would obviously have a big role in that regard, but I would seek their expertise on that.

The main focus of my question is the type of formal mechanism that might be set in place in order to ensure rapid delivery of the type of service the witnesses are talking about and how the State might lead in that regard.


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