Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Select Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment
Estimates for Public Services 2024
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications (Further Revised Estimate)
1:00 pm
Brian Leddin (Limerick City, Green Party) | Oireachtas source
As there are no other questions, I will finish by echoing Deputy Bruton's words. I do not want to be presumptuous as this may not be the Minister's final appearance before the committee. We will see how things go in the next few months but it may be his last appearance. The Minister's engagements with the committee have always been very thorough, professional and informative and we appreciate the way in which he has approached those engagements. On behalf of the committee, I thank him for all of those engagements. We wish him well given that he is not seeking re-election and may not be before the committee again. To echo Deputy Bruton's words, we wish the Minister and Deputy Bruton himself well on whatever shores they get washed up on post election.
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