Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Committee on Drugs Use

Drug Use Policy: HSE, Department of Justice and Department of Health

9:30 am

Mr. Ben Ryan:

We evaluated community safety partnerships all through the process. The initial baseline evaluation report and the interim valuation report were published and the final evaluation report has either been published or will be published in the next couple of weeks. There are documents out there that evaluate the programme and I can send the committee specific examples of any of the partnerships and some of the activities they have done.

Regarding doing away with section 3, Mr. Fallon referred to the work of the group led by Mr. Justice Sheehan that looked at different approaches to drug use. As part of that process, we examined jurisdictions that have done it and looked at how they could apply in an Irish context. There are deliberations in that report about the pros and cons of that. We can furnish the committee with a copy of that if that is useful.


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