Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Circular Economy as it relates to Consumer Durables: Discussion

Mr. Barry McGreal:

My sense is that the directive and combined directives have quite a broad scope. They intend to encompass all issues, including illegal contractual issues, that aim to prevent what the Deputy is talking about, that is, the ability for others to repair the issues. They are designed to include hardware and software techniques. They are designed to include the 3D printing of alternative branded manufactured parts, and that all this should be available to independent repairers. We believe it will be two years before this begins. Manufacturers and repairers will have time to get themselves ready and prepared for this, and we will communicate and raise awareness. However, we believe it has quite a broad scope to cover the issues about which the Deputy is talking.


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