Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 16 May 2024
Public Accounts Committee
2022 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 26 - Office of Minister for Education
9:30 am
Catherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source
I understand that. Windows on-site had to be replaced because they were left out in the weather. It had to be sealed. It has been quite a saga and the ones who have paid the biggest price are the children. It must be the most expensive school when you take on board that prefabs and security have had to be paid for. Is security normally included in the contract, or is it an exceptional situation to have to pay almost €400,000 per year while the site has been sitting there? Will Mr. Loftus focus on that?
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