Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at Local Level: Discussion (Resumed)

5:30 pm

Ms Audrey Cahill:

Deputy Feighan called out that the WRC website having an accessibility score of 34%. To give some insight into that, when the NDA does a snapshot it is at a point in time. It is a fact that PDFs are not very accessible for people who may have challenges, whether intellectual or otherwise. That is a big piece of work that the WRC has commenced over the last 12 months in particular. Our e-complaint form, the most recent iteration of that, is about to be launched. The snapshot of 34% was an issue with coloured banners as opposed to an accessibility issue in general. We are glad to say, as part of an ongoing process, we had a further review only yesterday and our score is now 80%. That is not the full review but the snapshot review is now at 80%.

Again, I speak from a perspective of being new to the organisation and having a fresh lens on this. We have reviewed these things, even during my first nine weeks in this role, and consulted our staff and stakeholders on all of these projects. The ability to put complex processes into visual animations, as we are doing, cannot be underestimated. The WRC has started the process around those visual animations, which will help people not only with disability but with language challenges or adult literacy issues. We will continue to do that but we are really pleased the project is going well. As of yesterday, our minor snapshot had reached 80% and I hope it will get better from there.


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