Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage

Photo of Darragh O'BrienDarragh O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

Not to repeat, and I will come back specifically with regard to Part M, but there is no formal review of that. I have engaged with groups myself on it, and we have to ensure with any changes that developments continue and that any changes are appropriate, and that would happen.

I am still of the firm belief the best place for this is the criteria within the development plan that drives the local authorities' development not just in housing but in all developments within an area. There is no formal review of Part M, but I have engaged with groups on it, as has the Minister for disabilities, and officials have met at that level. I have seen some exemplar developments for people with disabilities throughout the country and I am sure Deputy O'Callaghan has too. Many of those were driven by local authorities and it was ensured that housing was integrated within existing housing estates and appropriate development, design and output. Very recently I visited a development of 44 homes in south Dublin that are fully accessible. Most homes that are built now are and certainly all homes built by local authorities are. The legislative code needs to be distinct. Otherwise we will have multiple very valid issues like this where we are trying to tie in every single aspect into the planning Bill. We need to allow the principles to be enshrined in the development plans of each of the local authorities, so the planning decisions are granted on the basis of ensuring, like I referred to already, that there is that liveability piece, that we have functioning areas for people with disabilities, children, the elderly, and that we are designing for all our citizens. I believe that is happening now.


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