Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community

Traveller Accommodation: Discussion (Resumed)

Photo of David StantonDavid Stanton (Cork East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I have two other brief questions, after which I will stop and allow my colleagues to come in. I could keep talking about this topic all day because it is so challenging and interesting. I raise the issue of Traveller-specific accommodation. IHREC seemed to indicate that the issue has not been given the attention it should be getting from both local authorities. I know it is challenging. I am sure the witnesses have read the recommendations in the IHREC report.

My second point may not be in their area.

In my previous work, I came across a number of places that had after-school clubs and homework clubs for Traveller children who went there to do homework and that kind of thing. This meant that when they went into school the following day, they were up to speed with what was needed. They had got some encouragement, help and support and it worked very well. It meant that the dropout rate from school reduced dramatically. However it does need accommodation or somewhere to do this. Are the local authorities are aware of this? Is it something they could support by providing a premises where this can happen, were the Department of Education looking for one? Has there been consultation between the Department of Education and the local authorities on this issue? I have seen it in action in a few places and it is really impressive.

They are my final two questions and are for both groups.


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