Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Awareness, Prevention and Services for the Treatment of Sepsis: Discussion

Photo of Róisín ShortallRóisín Shortall (Dublin North West, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source

The witnesses are very welcome. I thank them for sharing their stories with us. We can only start to appreciate the tragedy involved in the loss of a child but when it is a preventable death, it must be absolutely overwhelming. I thank the witnesses for the work they have done. Not only are they dealing with their own grief but the fact that they are campaigning to stop this happening to other families is very commendable. I thank them for what they are doing and for raising their voices about that. I recall being at the memorial service for Sean in the local park. Clearly the family were devastated at that stage but I also recall the impact Lil Red's death had on a huge number of local young people. It was one of the most emotional events I was at. You could see how it touched so many lives. It was just so shocking that lives were being lost where the death could be preventable.

As I say, I thank the witnesses for the work they are doing. I just want to check in with them on the changes that were made in New York. What were the top three? Mr. Staunton mentioned the protocol. To what extent was that protocol, awareness of sepsis and the speed with which it moves ingrained into the training of doctors and nurses in New York? We want to learn from the success they have had there.


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