Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Dereliction and Vacancy: Discussion

Ms Caroline Timmons:

I will address that in the round and then address the specific issue. For the vacancy piece we have done since the launch of Housing for All, we have put a number of new measures into place. What the Deputy is starting to see is us reporting on those measures gradually over time. With the vacancy grant, you can see that we are reporting all of the statistics every quarter. You can see everything on it in one place and one report. I agree with the Deputy that it is really important to be able to see that.

We launched the CPO programme in April so the intention is that each quarter, the Deputy will get a report showing him what we have achieved over the previous quarter but that is something that will have to develop over time so I cannot necessarily say I have data to give the Deputy today but I will soon.


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