Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Infrastructure Provision and Residential Developments: Discussion

Mr. Nicholas Tarrant:

Again, in the context of growth for the electricity network, there are multiple factors involved. There is housing, growth for business and the area of electrification of transport, for example. We are looking at all those things together when working on our future plans. They are some of the main factors. I do not think it has specifically come up with individual local authorities, with Dublin being an example. We are seeing a growth in apartments, so the density is getting higher from that point of view, but we are not necessarily directing the local authorities to say there is more opportunity with more density. That is being led, maybe, through the planning process where we see the apartments or houses coming through and then coming to us for connections and we have to connect them.


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