Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Self-advocacy and Women with Disabilities: Discussion

Ms Eliona Gjecaj:

I learned the hard way. As I said, acquiring a visual impairment was a new journey in my life. I had to learn to speak for myself to come to terms with what my visual impairment required for my life to succeed. It was learn as you go and, of course, collaborating with different NGOs, be they local, national or international, as I said. I learned from other advocates and companions of mine how to advocate, whether it was for people like me with acquired visual impairment, or who were simply visually impaired, and other groups of people with different disabilities. I learned through that. The more you engage in education, the more you learn. I have a master's in disability law so that helped me a lot.


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