Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Autism

Autism Policy: Discussion (Resumed)

Dr. Olive Healy:

Absolutely. I think there is a real drive within the Department of Education towards what works and what we need. There have been some great starts on that, but we could be doing more. It could certainly be improved. However, maybe we need to examine models that expand competencies for educators and healthcare professionals. The Department of Education could drive that further. There is a recommendation in The Lancetcommission of 2022 on stepped care and personalised care for autistic people. That could also be applied to the education model. One can bring in individuals who may be able to accelerate learning in particular areas. These could be behaviour technicians. They are not expensive resources. We do not have enough psychologists to go into schools and address the difficulties directly and individually. However, we could have stepped care. We could have modules for teachers working in the area of autism to learn these evidence-based practices and to maybe get things like telecoaching through technology and better implementation of them. That is a really exciting area for us to be involved in.


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