Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health
Sláintecare Implementation: Discussion (Resumed)
Seán Kyne (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I thank Ms Crehan-Roche for that and for the meeting we had on Monday with all Oireachtas Members regarding Clifden District Hospital, which is connected to workforce planning. Talking about the winter programme, we have seen referrals from Galway University Hospital, GUH, to Clifden District Hospital dry up over the last period. In the main, we do not have a physiotherapy service in Clifden because of difficulties in recruiting somebody for that position or retaining somebody in that position. The physiotherapist left in 2021 and has not been replaced. This is having a knock-on effect where we have a facility with staff, beds and capacity. However, because we do not have physiotherapy, we have seen referrals dry up, and this is putting pressure on GUH. This is a perfect example of recruitment and workforce planning impacting down the line to the acute hospital.
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