Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health
Sláintecare Implementation: Discussion (Resumed)
Martin Conway (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I thank all our guests for coming in today. I echo what has been said about Mr. Reid and thank him for the work he has done as head of the HSE. He showed incredible leadership at one of the most challenging times in living memory and the country is indebted to him for that. On my own behalf and that of Fine Gael, I acknowledge what he has done.
That leads me on to my first question, to the Secretary General. How is the recruitment process for a new CEO of the HSE going? When is he expecting to be in a position to make an announcement? Is the package similar to the one the outgoing CEO is subject to or is it different in the hope of attracting a new CEO?
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