Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection

Social Welfare Benefits: Discussion

Photo of Claire KerraneClaire Kerrane (Roscommon-Galway, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I had to step out of the meeting so I apologise if my questions have been answered already. I have some very brief follow-ups. In March, the Minister of State, Deputy Joe O'Brien, told me there were 2,969 people on the RSS, of whom 1,493 will not be impacted, which leaves 1,476 who will be.

Ms Hurley stated there are 2,890 on the rural social scheme, RSS. For clarity, I ask her to confirm the number who will be impacted by the six-year rule from next year on. Similarly, how many of the more than 19,000 people on the community employment, CE, scheme will be impacted by the six-year rule from next year?

The review of the rural social scheme, which is important, is due to commence and be completed this year. I am concerned in respect of the near future. It is difficult to determine. Will the review be carried out? Will it be completed? I acknowledge it is not a review of the six-year rule but, rather, the scheme itself. However, as these changes, if they go ahead, will have a massive impact from next year, will the rural social scheme be reviewed this year?


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