Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Horticultural Peat Supply and Willow Scheme: Bord na Móna
Mr. Ger Breen:
To clarify the situation, Bord na Móna has been in correspondence with our customers for a long number of years. We informed them of the situation in 2020 or 2021. We ceased manufacturing products in the latter part of the summer in 2021. We stepped away from the industry. Given some of the challenges customers were facing, and Mr. McNamara was on the horticultural technical group, we have come back onto the playing pitch to see what we can do to address some of the challenges being faced by the growers. I have outlined the measures we have taken in recent weeks to alleviate some of those challenges being faced by the Irish growers. I am not aware of people being unable to contact us, but again we can take that away and we will look to engage with those professional growers. It is important to know that we have leased the facility out to a third party and it will be manufacturing the product for supply back into the marketplace.
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