Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 3 February 2022
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government
General Scheme of the Monuments and Archaeological Heritage Bill: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Steven Matthews (Wicklow, Green Party) | Oireachtas source
I thank Dr. Johnson. To answer her comment that LAAN would welcome the opportunity to submit more detailed comments, that option is open to everybody who attends because sometimes witnesses, after they have left a meeting, think of something that they might want to furnish to the committee. I assure everyone that we would find that very helpful.
I do not know if the addendum was sent to us as part of correspondence but it does contain recommendations. That is helpful to us and I note that Dr. Greene, and An Taisce, listed recommendations on the back of their submissions, which is very helpful. We will proceed to publish a pre-legislative scrutiny report with recommendations and then the Bill will be put together.
I invite Mr. Rónán Swan of Transport Infrastructure Ireland, to make his opening statement.
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