Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Maritime Area Planning Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

Photo of Peter BurkePeter Burke (Longford-Westmeath, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I move amendment No. 302:

In page 226, between lines 26 and 27, to insert the following:

4. Section 12 The following subsection is substituted for subsection (18):“(18) In this section ‘statutory obligations’

includes—(a) in relation to a local authority, the obligation to ensure that the development plan is consistent with—(i) the national and regional development objectives specified

in—(I) the National PlanningFramework, and

(II) the regional spatial and economic strategy, and(ii) specific planning policy requirements specified in

guidelines under subsection (1) of section 28, and(b) in relation to a local authority that is a coastal planning authority, the obligation to ensure that the development plan is, in addition to being consistent with the obligation referred to in paragraph (a), consistent with the National Marine Planning Framework.”.
5. Section 13 The following subsection is substituted for subsection (14):“(14) In this section ‘statutory obligations’ includes—(a) in relation to a local authority, the obligation to ensure that the development plan is consistent with—(i) the national and regional development objectives specified in—(I) the National Planning Framework, and

(II) the regional spatial and economic strategy, and(ii) specific planning policy requirements specified in

guidelines under subsection(1) of section 28, and(b) in relation to a local authority that is a coastal planning authority, the obligation to ensure that the development plan is, in addition to being consistent with the obligation referred to in paragraph (a), consistent with the National Marine Planning Framework.”.
6. Section 23 Subsection (3) is amended, in paragraph (a), by the insertion of the following subparagraph:“(iiia) the National Marine Planning Framework, in circumstances

where the strategy is likely to affect the maritime area,”.
7. Section 31 Subsection (1) is amended, in paragraph (ba), by—(a) the deletion, in subparagraph (i), of “or”, and

(b) the insertion of the following subparagraph:“(ia) the National Marine Planning Framework, or”.
8. Section 31Q Subsection (1) is amended—(a) in paragraph (a), by the insertion of the following subparagraph:“(ia) the role of such members,authorities and assemblies in relation to guidelines under section 7 of the Maritime Area Planning Act 2021 and directives under section 8 of that Act,”, and(b) in paragraph (b), by the substitution of the following subparagraph for subparagraph (i):“(i) such matters as the Minister may specify relating to—(I) proper planning and sustainable development, and

(II) maritime spatial planning,and”.
9. Section 31S Subsection (1) is amended—(a) in paragraph (a), by—(i) the insertion, after “Chapter IV of Part II”, of “or section 7 or 8 of the Maritime Area Planning Act 2021,”, and

(ii) the insertion, after “rural,”, of “or maritime spatial planning,”, and(b) in paragraph (c), by the insertion, after “Strategy)”, of “, the National Marine Planning Framework”.
10. Section 31AM Subsection (2) is amended, in paragraph (b), by the insertion of “and the National Marine Planning Framework” after “National Spatial Strategy)”.
11. Section 31AQ Subsection (2) is amended, in paragraph (b), by the insertion of “and the National Marine Planning Framework” after “National Spatial Strategy)”.



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