Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government
General Scheme of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (LSRD) Bill 2021: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Eoin Ó Broin (Dublin Mid West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source
Was that legal advice with respect to SHD applications that were in train at the time of that eight-week pause or does it apply to all applications that may or may not come in after that eight-week pause? I understand that anything that was affected by that pause clearly should have got eight weeks extra - no problem - but that was a year ago, and it will be a year and a half ago, almost, from when these potential SHD applications will go in. Is Mr. Hogan saying the legal advice was relevant to future applications that had not yet entered the planning process, either at the pre-planning or planning stage, at that point in time?
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