Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government
General Scheme of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (LSRD) Bill 2021: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Cian O'Callaghan (Dublin Bay North, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source
Issuing a circular to local authorities about what can be done in terms of calling planning files and getting briefings needs to be done because I am aware that most local authorities have stopped that process altogether and removed it. That is an important part of the process and needs to be reinstated, albeit without the facility for comments.
Community consultation is an incredibly important part of the process. If we want to smooth out many of the delays and the conflicts that happen and if we want to get the benefit of a lot of local knowledge that can often be very important and which sometimes developers do not have, community consultation is very important. Sometimes that is a way of spotting issues and addressing them before they become a problem. I agree that the development plan stage should be the framework that gives certainty on this but, in practice, for many local communities these issues only become real and move out of being abstract when they are faced with an actual planning application. It is more concrete and they are not looking at the entire county level or whatever. All that information on zonings and different colours on maps can be abstract for people, but actual planning applications are when most people engage. Consultation at an early stage in the pre-planning process would be very beneficial for everyone concerned. That has to be examined.
I have two questions. In terms of additional information, head 8, additional information can be very important in the consideration of more complex and detailed issues and sometimes can resolve issues that otherwise would lead to a refusal of planning permission. Can the witnesses clarify the areas on which additional information specifically can be sought?
On breaches of local area plans and county development plans, which have given rise to many delays and judicial reviews, this process will still allow that to happen. That can still happen so can they speak a little on that?
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