Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Implementation of the EU Digital Covid Certificate: Discussion

Mr. Damien McCallion:

There are just over 2 million fully vaccinated people at the moment. We are continuing to move further records through and 1.9 million have gone over. To recap on the earlier point, some people’s emails will bounce back, some will have wrong addresses and so on. They will have to be dealt with. I want to flag that the resolution of some of those cases will spill over into the week commencing 19 July 2021. As Ms Canavan has said, the emergency line is for those who need to travel. It is important that this message gets out there in order that this line is protected for those people who have an imminent journey. If there are issues with any of their certificates, we can look at resolving those through the process described by Ms Canavan..


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