Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Updates on Breastfeeding: Discussion

Photo of Seán CroweSeán Crowe (Dublin South West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I welcome our witnesses to the meeting. We are joined by Ms Deborah Byrne and Ms Megan Etherton from Bainne Beatha and Ms Geraldine Cahill and Ms Fiona Rea from Cuidiú. Bainne Beatha and Cuidiú provide education and support for parents and of particular concern for them today is the lack of support for breastfeeding in maternity services.

Before we hear their opening statements I must point out to our witnesses that there is uncertainty as to whether parliamentary privilege applies to evidence given from a location outside the parliamentary precincts of Leinster House. Therefore, if witnesses are directed by me to cease giving evidence in relation to a particular matter, they must respect that direction. I call Ms Byrne to make her opening remarks.


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