Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Impact of Covid-19 on Reopening of Schools and State Examinations: Update

Photo of Aisling DolanAisling Dolan (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I welcome the Minister, Deputy Foley, and the Minister of State, Deputy Madigan. I particularly welcome the officials from Athlone, Tullamore and Dublin. Tá comhghairdeas tuillte ag gach duine because it is a significant achievement to have schools reopening again, particularly when we have got through such a difficult time in recent weeks and months. We are here today to speak in particular about the reopening of schools and that being done in a safe and sustainable manner. It is great to see that special schools are reopening at full capacity this week and that junior infants, senior infants, first classes and second classes have come back at primary school level. A clear map has been provided. An outline has been issued whereby students will return to school on 8 March, 15 March, 29 March and 12 April, by which stage all students will have fully returned to school. That is a provisional schedule which depends on good public health guidelines being maintained and the numbers coming down. I am very happy to see that leaving certificate students will have the option to sit exams or get accredited grades.

I am very happy that the supplementary programme has been extended by ten hours. I welcome the commitment to the summer provision programme.

I spoke to the principals of several secondary schools last week. One of them in particular acknowledged the ease with which students returned to school and acknowledged the work that has been done by the Departments, the Minister, the Minster of State and their teams, in conjunction with principals and parents, to facilitate that.

Is there potential for first year students to take part in a one-week or two-week introduction to school programme during the summer? First year students have not had the opportunities that students would normally have in terms of exploring their schools. I know that several secondary schools are running such a programme at the moment. Perhaps that could be considered under the heading of inclusion. It would also be of assistance on the counselling side of things for first years coming into school.

I have a couple of questions for the Minister, Deputy Foley. Does she have any update for schools in respect of air monitors and meters? On leaving certificate reform, is there any update on the senior cycle review advisory report? We have a great opportunity to consider the review of the leaving certificate and, potentially, ways to use continuous assessment to better effect.

Finally, I was very fortunate to have an opportunity yesterday to raise the issue of a school in my local area. I represent Roscommon and Galway. I refer to the DEIS band 1 school in Ballinasloe, which does not meet the current requirements in terms of classroom space and size. The school is awaiting a new school building. Will school building projects be accelerated? If schools cannot currently maintain physical distancing, how are they going to go forward?

I thank our guests for their time and say "well done" to them on the roll-out to date.


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