Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Impact of Covid-19 on Reopening of Schools and State Examinations: Update

Photo of Donnchadh Ó LaoghaireDonnchadh Ó Laoghaire (Cork South Central, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I am afraid I must interrupt the Minister of State in order to ask my final question. I do not agree with her. I understand the point she is making, but these children have additional needs and remote learning is very challenging for them. It is a pity that they have had to wait so long. Some of them have to wait for six weeks.

My final question is for the Minister, Deputy Foley. There are many issues still to be resolved with the leaving certificate. Clarity is needed on course work, mock examinations and music practicals. One thing I cannot understand is if students who decide to sit the exam are, for whatever reason, unable to do so, they will not get a second chance even though the availability of a paper B in the case of illness or bereavement has been built into the system for many years. I do not understand that decision. I refer to replies received to parliamentary questions. Is it the case that, for example, if Cork or Kildare goes into a localised county lockdown in June, all students in the affected county would lose the option of sitting a written exam? That seems to me to be removing the choice from students. If they follow public health advice in the context of having to self-isolate or a localised lockdown, they will not have the chance to sit the exams for which they prepared so hard. I ask the Minister to reconsider that decision. Can she confirm whether students will be given a second chance to sit the written exams in the case of a localised county level 5 lockdown?


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