Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Proposed Closure of Cuisle Accessible Holiday and Respite Care Resort: Discussion

Photo of Eugene MurphyEugene Murphy (Roscommon-Galway, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

That is a fair point, but why has the IWA brought the issue of the building's dangers into the arena now? I am a public representative and have been in Dáil Éireann since 2016. I have checked my records. There was no representation, letter or phone call. I brought the Minister of State, Deputy Finian McGrath, to Roscommon in 2017. It was one of the first ministerial visits that I brought to the county. We brought him to Donamon, where I met Ms Jean Coleman and members of staff. There was never any mention of a need to replace any part of the building. The Minister of State stood outside with me and the manager and said that it was a fantastic facility and that he would always be available to assist. The IWA received €39.4 million in its last budget. If Ms Keogh has the figure, how much did the IWA receive in voluntary contributions, in other words, fundraisers, throughout the country? Many of those fundraisers were in County Roscommon.


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