Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Committee on Budgetary Oversight

National Broadband Plan: Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform

Photo of Paschal DonohoePaschal Donohoe (Dublin Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

-----wrote to me looking for the information. What I decided to do was to release it all once the decision was made.

As for why I made the decision I did, I have touched on some of my key reasons in response to Deputy Cowen a moment ago, which is that I went through all of the alternatives regarding how this could be delivered and I decided, on balance, that this was the appropriate course of action. If one looks at the final recommendation that was made to me, and it is a recommendation that is covered off in the document there, it is a lower-cost option. That lower-cost option does not deliver 100% coverage and involves different uses of technology. Had the Government and I made that decision, we would now be involved in an appearance here at this committee regarding the number of people who had been left behind and why we had used a technology that might not be the most resilient one in the future.

In terms of the final point on why my Secretary General is still the Secretary General, and I work so closely with him, is because I value independent and strong advice. We nearly always agree. We do not always agree, as is the case with a Minister and any Department with which he or she works but that is the way we should be making decisions about major projects now. I can understand completely why Deputy Lahart is scrutinising why I made my decision and I am doing my best to answer his questions. I, respectfully, also make the point that the fact that such a decision has gone through such debate - I am being open about it and the Secretary General of my Department will be too - reflects how this is a better way of making decisions. I am outlining why I believe, on balance, this is the best course of action that is available to Government.


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