Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Public Accounts Committee

Business of Committee

9:00 am

Photo of Seán FlemingSeán Fleming (Laois, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

There is one concerning thing about the valuation as far as I am concerned. The price assumes that Dublin City Council, or the relevant local authority, would amend the zoning needed by material contravention of rezoning. Perhaps another public body was going to assist in the matter. Maybe that is not an unreasonable assumption. Anyone who has been a member of a local authority would assist any school development if it required a material contravention. However, we could not make any of those assumptions in respect of all the other sites those responsible are comparing Harold's Cross to in the private sector. Such an assumption certainly would have had an influence in terms of future use and future zoning that planners assumed would come through. That is perhaps something of a leap but perhaps they were being pragmatic about it.


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