Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Public Accounts Committee

Business of Committee

9:00 am

Photo of Seán FlemingSeán Fleming (Laois, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

We are coming back to that for definite as soon as we get the response on the broader issues.

Next correspondence is No. 1837B from Mr. John O'Sullivan, Commissioner of Valuation, Valuation Office, dated 11 January 2019 providing information requested by the committee on the basis for the valuation of Harold's Cross stadium and comparisons used. We will note and publish this. People can read it if they wish. He gives two tables. One relates to the comparable transactions in the market around the time of the Harold's Cross issue in 2017. They range from a property on Harold's Cross Road to others in Sandymount, Rathgar and Montrose. I know they are not all in the same location as the Harold's Cross stadium, but the office is using distance from the city centre. The price per acre in many of those areas was more expensive than the Harold's Cross stadium, although some of them were perhaps in a more valuable location. Then, table number 2 gives subsequent transactions for approximately the same distance from the city centre. Reference is made to transactions in Donnybrook, Grand Canal Harbour and Dunville Avenue, which would be close to that area, as well as Swords and the cinema in Harold's Cross. People can make their own views known. Some of those properties are well in excess of the price per hectare put on Harold's Cross. I realise every property is different and I am not suggesting they are all comparable. I am simply outlining the information provided by the Valuation Office. People can digest it and comment if they wish.


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