Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Third Report of the Citizens' Assembly: Discussion (Resumed)

6:30 pm

Mr. Tom Healy:

Yes, I think there is an opportunity to bring together expertise and funds to co-ordinate and lead. The challenge is that the State needs to step up to play a role of co-ordination and leadership even though many other actors are involved. We need to realise as well that a blueprint is not possible but a broad plan is. We do not know what way technology is going to evolve. Even in the past five years, the technology for solar power has been transformed. The costs have come down. It is a different situation now from when we went into recession. This is where we need imaginative and creative thinking. It could come, perhaps, from some of those workers in Newbridge who are in an administrative or support role. I do not know the details; Mr. Noone may know more. Why are we laying off workers? Why are we not considering creating new lines of activity and new possibilities? In the main, new enterprises, particularly in the midlands, will probably come from new areas, some of which we are not even thinking about. We need to be ahead of the curve. We have a lot to learn from Denmark about how it made that transition I mentioned earlier in respect of wind generation.

In the 1940s we had a national emergency. Fuel was running out. Imports of coal and oil were very low and people were put to shovel-ready work. That was the spirit behind Bord na Móna. Subsequently, the flourishing of many semi-State enterprises really filled a gap. That is what we need to think about again. It is a different context but the challenge is still there. Just waiting for other people to do it for us, whether they are multinationals or science experts, is not enough. There is a need now to develop some of these new lines of activity. I strongly suspect the urgency is not there is public policy. This is a real crisis internationally as well as nationally. We need to redouble efforts and investment. That needs to be appreciated.


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