Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Select Committee on Health

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Committee Stage

11:00 am

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

No, let us put that on the record of the committee. That is the intention. Already there are several clauses in the legislation that will produce yearly reports, collection of data and notifications to the Minister. There will be a regular flow of information coming to the Department of Health. I or my successors will make available that information to the Oireachtas and the Joint Committee on Health.

This is more about the structured review that shall take place. It is not at the discretion of any Minister – it must take place. Let us consider best international experience. I remember during the referendum debate – we are not going to reopen that debate now – many people were suggesting that we look to the UK. Many people against the proposal kept referencing the UK. I and others kept saying that the UK was not a good example because the UK has old legislation that has not been reviewed in years. Others places were doing it better from a woman-centred point of view and from a doctor's point of view. The point is to ensure we do not fall into that trap. We can ensure we continue to have legislation that is operational so that if our doctors have views on how to make things better, then they have an opportunity to put forward those views. It is a little like what they have said today in writing to the health committee. It is not simply a review of the legislation. It is specifically a review of the operation of the Act. It is not a review of the fundamental principles of the legislation. It is really about how the Act is being operated beyond Leinster House.


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