Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Select Committee on Health
Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Committee Stage
11:00 am
Louise O'Reilly (Dublin Fingal, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source
The reason these amendments are being proposed is in response to the trans community who we must consult to ensure this legislation is fit for purpose. I share the concern expressed by Deputy Donnelly about a doctor sitting in a surgery, looking at the law and wondering what is allowed and what the risks are. It is a serious issue. We have the right to revisit this but in the meantime members of the trans community themselves need to be central to the debate because they are the ones who will be affected or not by this legislation. One of the unintended, or possibly intended, consequences could be that there will be fabulously inclusive legislation, which would be wonderful. We want to ensure it does not discriminate against any group and that we have the opportunity to say that, notwithstanding what happened in 2005,13 years later we have moved on and the legislation should reflect that.
If we are moving to the business end of proceedings I am happy to withdraw amendment No. 11 on the basis of commitments given by the Minister and of engagement with members of the trans community.
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