Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills
Joint Meeting of the Joint Committee on Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Joint Committee on Education and Skills and Joint Committee on Health
Supports for People with Disabilities: Discussion
10:00 am
John Curran (Dublin Mid West, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
I thank Senator Dolan. Before I go back to the witnesses, I have a few comments. They were very impressive and comprehensive presentations. The witnesses will have an opportunity in a moment to respond to some of the issues raised. Both Dr. Joanne McCarthy and Dr. Patricia McCarthy talked about flexibility in respect of services. Perhaps the word might be interconnectivity of services. I was taken by something Dr. Patricia McCarthy said about having two applications in at the moment, one for a guide dog and one for housing. They are being assessed separately, yet she needs both. If they come in the wrong order, she will be snookered. She made that point very well. That is just an example. It can apply to a range of other services for different people. It came across very strongly that interconnectivity is missing.
Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Murtagh made specific points and recommendations on career guidance and education. We will take those on board. Before I hand back, I want to say that when Dr. Joanne McCarthy was talking, and this for the committee to focus on, it was mentioned that the purpose of this was affording people with disabilities better access to the labour market and employment as well as retention. There are many different issues that other committees will take up. We will not be capable of dealing with everything at once. As we go forward, we as a joint committee need to focus, as Dr. Joanne McCarthy said, on the two or three key issues that would enabling. That is key.
From the point of view of the work that we do, and even after today, I ask the delegates to reflect on this. If there is something they would like to put in writing to us, they should please do so. There are two public meetings in this series and the next one will be with witnesses from the Departments. We will be challenging them on the issues the witnesses have highlighted today. That meeting can be viewed on Oireachtas TV and we would be interested in the comments of today's witnesses in response to the presentations that will be made. Deputy John Brady was in the Dáil Chamber. Would he like to make any comments?
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